This is Day #4
A deeper dive, a profound lesson.
Wiz, with his all-knowing eyes,
Today spoke of life’s true purpose.
The dawn was breaking,
A new day, a new revelation.
Wiz looked at me intently,
"Matt, today we discuss life's essence."
He gestured towards the rising sun,
"Life here is about giving value,
Not just taking or accumulating."
He spoke of the interconnectedness of all,
How each action affects the whole.
"Your purpose," he said firmly,
"Is to contribute, to enhance life around you."
He talked about value,
Not in terms of wealth or possessions,
But as impact, as improvement,
As making a difference in others' lives.
"Find what you’re good at," Wiz advised,
"And use it to help others.
Your skills, your passion,
Are not just for you, but for the world."
He reminded me that true fulfillment
Comes from this giving,
From knowing that you’ve made a mark,
However small, on the fabric of existence.
As the day wound down,
Wiz's words resonated within me.
Life's purpose isn't a solitary quest,
But a shared journey of adding value.
I retired for the night,
Mind full of thoughts, heart full of purpose.
Eager for Day 5,
And the new wisdom it would unfold.